Join our exclusive loyalty program and start earning points to unlock rewards today!

Sign Up
Sign up to Maison de Friends
and receive 20 points.

Earn Points
Earn 1 point for every
$1 spent every time you shop.

Redeem points for exclusive
members-only benefits.

20 Points
Sign up to Beau Monde

10 Points
Follow us on Instagram

10 Points
Like us on Facebook

1 Point per $
Make a purchase

50 Points
Celebrate your birthday

Get $20 off
Refer a friend and you'll both get $20 off
Give $20, Get $20
Give your friends $20 off their first order over $100 and get $20 (in points) for each successful referral!

500 points
1,000 points
1,500 points
2,000 points
2,500 points
1,000 points
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Beau Monde?
The Beau Monde Loyalty Program is designed to reward you for purchasing from my small business. Thank you!
Why 'Beau Monde'?
'Beau Monde' is French for fashionable, high society.
How do I sign up?
It's easy! Just click here to sign up and create an account. Make sure to check your email to verify your account.
How do I earn points?
You can earn points by signing up, placing an order, engaging with us on social media, adding your birthday, or referring a friend.
Can I use discount codes with points?
Unfortunately not at this time. Rewards cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
How many points do I need to redeem $1 from my order?
100 points = AUD$1
How does the referral bonus work?
It's easy! All you have to do is:
- Sign in to your account.
- Click the Rewards tab to open your dashboard.
- Copy the referral code under 'Refer a Friend' and send it via email, text, DM etc.
Your friend will receive a coupon for $20 off their order over $100. Once they make a purchase, you will receive $20 worth of points added to your account. There is no minimum order value for you to redeem these points!
Can the points be redeemed for cash?
No. Points cannot be redeemed for cash. They can only be redeemed for store credit.
Do my rewards points expire?
What happens to my points if I cancel or refund an order?
It’s not possible to earn points on cancelled or refunded orders, so points will be removed from your account after your order has been cancelled.
Can I earn points with a gift card?
Points will be earnt on the purchase of gift cards, not on the redemption.
What do I do if I have questions about my points, status or account?
You can get in touch with our customer service team by emailing at us jess@maisondefemmes.com
There is magic within.